protagonist Walt Kowalski, a thoroughly national érzületű Americans who own, live under megváltozhatatlannak preferred worldview. The lanky actor's face and sonorous voice perfectly reflects the stubborn old man's spiritual world of autonomous work in the whole course. The film starts burial Kowalski's wife, then get to know the man's selfish, profit-seeking kinship, who is also a result of this tragic event, only those associated with their minds, when he finally followed the woman, in order to out "well deserved" get possession of their inheritance. Walt is still alive, and nursing homes not ready to retire, only to continue his life in the huge vacant house, where a single company of the faithful dog. Prejudices against each and everyone fed, but particularly hard to bear veteránként fought in Korea, Asian neighbors to immigrants, Hmong . But not enough that they should tolerate, though unwilling, even in addition to a young priest is always associated with the neck, who was the wife sought Before the death, to persuade her husband to the confession. The grumpy all the time, however, Kowalski will send roughly, and did not mince it too young to communicate to the Father, that he believes that nothing about life and death.
Eastwood touched the sensitive topic of racial bias by taking microscope, which show a brilliantly successful, as yet few in history. Most would see this so that any hero who has a nation sees only dark colors, he realizes that they really shine with a beautiful bright hues. This is done differently in this film. First, here is our hero realizes how inappropriate and unwise to condemn an \u200b\u200bentire nationality, and fantastic people to know the person of Hmong neighbors. On the other hand we meet an Asian immigrant gengsztercsoportot recruited, who are in fear of the neighborhood, and good deeds would be very difficult colors reproduced. Megjelenítésükkel Eastwood assumed the risk that one or two superficial view of racism charges enjoy while just to clear it of any racial borders. As an ethnic group or one-pole world, there are good and bad people everywhere. So it really only shows that in fact there is no difference if the film what they do, the Asian immigrants and Americans. This is exactly the point - we are all the same people we are fallible, no matter where we came from and what color of our skin. The story really
akkor indul el, mikor a szomszéd fiú, Thao a gengszterbanda beavatási szertartásaként megpróbálja ellopni Walt féltett kincsét, a Gran Torino márkájú autóját. Az akció nem sikerült, s a fiúnak a család hagyományait követve, még a sértett tiltakozása ellenére is, büntetésül egy ideig Kowalski úrnál kell dolgoznia. Az öreget eleinte dühíti a nem kívánt segéderő, ám ahogy egyre inkább megismeri és megkedveli a fiút, úgy kezdenek az előítéletei is halványodni. Egyre több időt tölt a hmongok the company of his loving, true friends, discover, are capable of developing human relationships, even those children of their own could not, although in their case, not necessarily just his fault. However, this period of calm can not last for long, the gang will soon make sure to thoroughly stir the emotions. The Outcome of a perfectly composed scene, all aspects of a human after the preparation. Máztól free of all kinds, gives an honest and worthy closure, and reason to the film for a long time there ringing the viewer.
Despite the serious theme boncolgat Gran Torino, and is generally classified into the drama genre, does not lack any funny scenes, which so naturally and easily connected to the main thread that will certainly hiányérzetünk also would be left out have. The main work
Actor elsőfilmesek and come mainly amateurs, but a team of well-chosen and we are dealing with people who are authentic and will stand up next to Clint Eastwood. But not many people can say by themselves, that their first role was in itself a színészlegenda partner. No matter how hard it is understandable that you want glory Eastwood old age to retire from the line, what is entered into in 1955, the viewer of the film after unwittingly attack a little sadness. Several films have not seen this great actor, who has eyes for a whole army capable of displaying complex emotion. As a compensation, however, said that, as a director, is still active, was the movie line. It seems tireless Eastwood.
in the movie Gran Torino is a man, but a valuable vehicle in good condition and a clear metaphor for Walt Kowalskinak. The fact that this film is titled, extends about the meaning of the symbol itself is Clint Eastwood, who is now "only" a director, we hope, still roams the film industry for long highway.
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