The Tree of Heaven a 2006 made South Korean Dorama , titled 천국 의 나무 (Chunkookeh NAMO), the translation is Heaven's Tree and Trees in Heaven also known. 10-piece, according to a genre of romantic drama.
The story focuses on a newfound brothers are. Korean Hana inherently, but because they live in Japan, does not speak too early. Kislánykorában has lost his father, mother comes home from the beginning of the story of a new Korean husband. Hana to get through one of his brother, who also lost one parent. Yoon Suh's mother died in his tenth birthday, the boy has been turned completely on its own, does not care about anyone, even to himself, and not willing to say a word. Hana warmly welcomed a new sister, and constantly strives to smile and endure the word, the latter is made more difficult by Suh Yoon does not speak Japanese. Hana, however, with incredible will power and optimism, kirángatja Suh Yoon-t the apátiából. Meanwhile, the parents start their honeymoon, and the bath, we operate and where they live, leaving her sister Hana's father. The woman is pushy and selfish daughter, Maya use this opportunity to acquire the assets of families who have not jótevőiket but elnyomóikat see. By the way, with Hana and Yoon Suh treated, plunge even closer together, the two youths. When you realize that you love one another, Hana megretten the feelings, believing them to be wrong "brother" for.
without serious spoilers, so much as a brief summary I write, but it's not enough to write it in my opinion the doramáról, which is strongly divided into two parts. So now follows the second unit's brochure, a surprise anyway you want, not just to read on!
SPOILER Hana ambitions to break itself from Yoon Suh, after a while they succeed. After two years elapse, and the girl in Tokyo find relatives by kisemmizve completely. Hanan sustains no other, Suh Yoon only hope for the return of the past few years, therefore, also studied in Korean. He also pops up, but has a totally different man, who, although just like Hana, as it did not very close to him to let her. Suh Yoon in the last two years, mixed with dark affairs, he currently ranks high enough to the underworld. The love, however, increasingly seem overwhelmingly everything. END SPOILER

SPOILER On the one hand, I did not like the story of evolution either, but sometimes they have been compensated by the works. The biggest problem was that the actors themselves ... He turned fully The story At the beginning of autistic quite a bit L (Death Note) character reminiscent of Suh Yoon, Hana who meant everything to a strong, protective man became, almost changed role of the "sister". But the change he is still smarter and more thoughtful than Hana. His story was the beginning of a colorful character, personality, however, the second unit is simply "emptied". Hana the real heroine template iskolapéldájává became who has nothing else to spend your life, just loved the man, his subordinate, and not a lot, not so much independent thought. I was alone, who was in the beginning, because it created in the fifth compartment was terribly shallow and, moreover, one might say non-stop crying, the only consequence for me is feeling well, I gave him, began to become discredited. END SPOILER
as described above due to the Park Shin Hye from (Hana) not declare it I do not know that his reservations, the director (Lee Jang Soo) , or perhaps the writers (Moon Jung Hee, Kim Hee Nam) developed to a fault. Lee Wan (Yoon Suh) kirázóan but undoubtedly played very well. The character of the two units Dorama was diametrically opposed to each other, but he could be both credible. In one of Characters in Maya t play Reino t I would Asami, who offered perhaps the best performance a színészek közül. A komikus mellékkarakterek közül egyedül Hana barátnője, Mika ( Sonim ) tetszett, Maya anyja ( Kim Chung ) és Yoon Suh emberei még egy vígjátéksorozatban is hihetetlenül idegesítettek volna, ebben a körítésben pedig pláne nehéz volt őket elviselnem.
Nem mondom azt, hogy nem volt szép történet, a visszatérő motívumok, szimbólumok például mindenképp dobtak rajta, de egyszerűen a nagyon erős első négy rész After much, much more than I had expected, in this respect is a very big disappointment. Not to mention the very end at which we could not horrible solution was also found. I am sorry that so eluded the story, because even in the beginning I felt that even the doramámmá also could have become the favorite works of art.
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Hungarian subtitles (running project, part 1)
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