Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wearing Panties Made My Penis Shrink

Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do

The Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do a 2008 's South Korean film, the title of the original spelling 도레미파솔 라 시도. The same title was based on a novel online part, by a nom de plume Guiyeoni young woman student wrote.

female protagonist of the story Jung Won (Cha Ye Ryeon) , who stands just one of many carried out when összeismerkedik with Gyu Eun (Jang Geun Suk) , who soon turns out that the new neighbors personally. Eun Gyu very distasteful to him at first, but it seems that the boy, something a particular way, but interest in it. First, titoktartásáért exchange for her felfogadja the "hordárának". Jung Won will be so in the rehearsal room, where Eun Gyu orchestra, DoReMiFaSoLaSiDo tries. Here are challenged by the boy's best friend and bass player, Hee Won (Jeong Ui Cheol) , the guy with whom she grew up with, then a tragic accident in the relationship (more than) deteriorated. Jung Won upset and had a weak moment asks Eun-Gyu is, after all, now that you want to go out with him. As we strengthen the relationship and love, so the picture is increasingly spleen Hee Won, who wants to be a girl compensate him for past mistakes mistake, which shattered the boy's life.

The film's story is very unique and not predictable. As the tension after a while the movie is almost bursts, we feel that we should soon follow from some tragedy, but that's exactly what will be the really difficult kikövetkeztető. In many places in the love triangle is defined alapfelállást, which I strongly disagree, and since Hee Won Jung Won for mutually others are the motivating reasons entirely. In addition, the film raises a very interesting alapdilemmákat, interrogates issues rooted in moral. We have the right to seek revenge, who unwittingly did us wrong? If therefore the whole life fell to pieces, then eltudjuk believe him at all, it was not intentional? To alleviate their misery, the party that someone else can we do? SPOILER more understandable to a point, Hee Won exaggerated reactions. After the collapse of his family, nothing remained to be able to live in too, such önzővé rideggé and had to become. To be no doubt that Jung Won really ruined his life, no one can expect Him to keep her boyfriend. However, after a ten-year friendship to assume that the other deliberately wanted to hurt her children, as well as the methods of revenge. END SPOILER

Eun Gyu so in this story, like the Sun itself. He is one of the main characters, who do not carry serious emotional scars. Nice personality can light Jung Won bring happiness and even life, it can be a real haven for him. SPOILER The girl, however, they make mistakes, that does not believe that the person who can give him so much power, everybody will be worse if you leave. Hee Won is only to realize that immense önzőségében what he did, when they had been wrong. Megnyomorítani Could the man who stood for the last three years. From there, put aside grievances, and even trying to save what can be saved. Then in the end, as it did Gyu Eun, walk out your friends' lives. Már ha lehet ilyet mondani az esetében, hogy barátság. Az az igazság, hogy Hee Won személyisége olyannyira eltorzult a sok szenvedés miatt, hogy már nem igazán képes értékes emberi kapcsolatok kialakítására. De végül talán rájött arra, hogy ha másokra is kivetíti a saját poklát, azzal magát teszi egyre rosszabb emberré.

Jung Won örökös önvádban él, amiből szinte feloldás, mikor ténylegesen vezekelhet. Ha mindez azelőtt történik, hogy megismerte volna Eun Gyu-t, akkor valóban szívesen feláldozta had her whole life, if not the remedy, mitigate the agony on the altar. However, now found someone who need not be to feel guilty, someone who loves and whom he loves. Therefore, Hee Wont leave immediately when he found out what happened with Eun-Gyu. The surprise is that this leaves him Hee Won. END SPOILER

the movie: 1 hour 45 minutes in length. Maybe two hours, sometimes even greater detail ütősebb could have been because I felt sometimes a bit too the events happened quickly. However, argued either do not know almost nothing, apart from the end of the inscriptions under jeleteket small, that are completely unnecessary, elaborate and radically contrasting mood of the whole movie for you. The strongest have no doubt the last of the concert and they were summoned. Otherwise, the film's music is very good. The actors were Jang Geun Suk I would ot, who are now playing a totally different character than we have seen from him. Was very credible in this role as well, once again proved to me that a very good actor. Amin was surprised, however, that the Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do made in the same year as the Baby and Me . Jang Geun Suk it is like he has at least a good three years younger in this movie.

Everyone I would recommend this movie. It's not real easy to play, but very worth watching!

Download links:
film (completed project, burned with Hungarian subtitles)


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