Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gaviscon For Flatulance

Kiss of the Spider Woman

of the Spider Woman Kiss first novel was born in 1976, a English writer Manuel Puig pen. The story is very special because it is almost hard to find a description of the dialogue is mostly dominated. The author then in 1983 produced a drama version of the actual him too. The play has been staged several times, and in 1985 also made it film directed by Hector Babenco, which Molina role William Hurt received Best Actor Oscar. But here the journey is still not over, because the Cabaret and Chicago by famous authors, John Kander and Fred Ebb prepared for the processing of musical history, we in Canada in 1992 and the West End en , and then in 1993 the Broadway -n has been presented. Hungary in 2001, was on stage, directed by Szegvári Melchior, the Budapest Chamber Tivoli Stage n. The piece initially ran a double cast, but most Molina role Zoltán Bereczki, Valentin é Földes Tamás , Moody, age and Dorogi Barbara name was boiling up. Furthermore, it is their előadásukról I want to write that I, personally, was one of the most theatrical experience.

The story is still very unique. Takes place in a Latin American prison, ahol Luis Alberto Molina , a meleg kirakatrendező szexuális zaklatás és kiskorú megrontása címen tölti a büntetésül rá kiszabott hét évét. Egy nap új cellatársat kap Valentin Arregui Paz , a marxista forradalmár személyében. Molina eleinte tökéletességgel agyára megy az amúgy is előítéletes Valentinnak a folytonos fecsegésével és vibrálásával. A 27 éves fiú hatalmas mozirajongó, kisgyerek kora óta odavan kedvenc színésznőjéért Aurorá ért. Kívülről fújja minden filmjét, only one does not like it at which the Aurora Death t, ie the Spider Woman t played. Afraid of the demonic character, anyone who puts out a kiss of life. Molina chock-full of soul is caring and love, Valentine's rude to him in vain, as she enthusiastically leads the small "cellaháztartásukat", and its unique methods, which have all the power to make a more tolerable life behind bars. Ever talks about movies, which take place while alive on stage. As time goes by, the austere revolutionary is increasingly open a bit weird towards the cell mates. Seeing this, however, the Bureau may not leave the matter so far, every method will now try to persuade molinate to pick out names and information Valentinből.

A piece of scenery this is quite simple, which also stems from the kisszínpados megvalósításból. However, in the middle of the cell by rotating and moving very well take advantage of the space of events takes place elsewhere as well. However, the after all the main arena of the prison itself and the cell. Very depressing, dark and rough it in the environment. This world is filled with stark colors and impaired actors rich characterization a. Sablonkarakterekről is not the case here. As Molina and Valentin are increasingly familiar with each other, it opens up before us a complex depth of personality. "Molina, an eternal child. Sure to be a viselkedészavaros, an overactive or someone who wants to behave in every sentence at the top. A strange creature who has no anything else, just looking for love. Or maybe more understanding. " - said Zoltán Bereczki. It will be closer to Valentine's first boy, and shocked when you see all that much left to humiliate himself. Pathetic, do not understand the behavior, either as to why it does not exercise any effects on the many horrors of what they see and prison experiences. "I odanézek, but I can not see. The only way to survive here. " - says Molina.

come to life on stage from time to time episodes of the past two protagonists. Know the most important human relations outside, seeing, among others, the love of Valentine, Marta t, we are increasingly aware that the rough and wild revolutionary guise of a sensitive and compassionate man behind the lies. And, above all, turn up Molina's mother, the Mama, everybody who is important for the boy. The biggest fear, shame that it has, almost by itself can start to accuse me, that it was born with. However, his mother loved him so, as it is. A very strong bond between them, the reason why we can say Mama, that Molina, who wants to avoid jail as soon as possible. SPOILER Unfortunately, this also appears börtönigazgatónak, and the mother and the disease is based on a spiritual start to put pressure on the boy, to induce the espionage. Molina is a period of time between the two sides are trying to lavírozni, but increasingly divided against itself. The patient to go home to his mother, whom only he is, but how it árulhatná at it, who is currently the only őneki?

As time goes by, Valentine's prejudices fade completely, no longer a "silly jug" sees Molinara, but a companion, support, friends. Molina, meanwhile, is already becoming less and less able to fight against, to fall in love Valentino. The man might say, given the meaning of life. Molina was so selflessly and wholeheartedly love Valentine, as they had nobody, and nobody as yet no Valentine. It's so beautiful and pure feelings to sex and beállítottságtól guaranteed regardless of the total identification. END SPOILER "I'm not interested in sex Molinara. I hope that whoever comes in and looks at the play begins to think about the little differently if someone else! Not only think about gays, but being different than the busy world, our place. I talked many others who influence the play somehow changed my mind, the attitude. " - said Zoltán Bereczki. SPOILER Molinara not in love with Valentin. We might as well believe that you can only use it for the sake of their own, but, I think there is much more than that. Honors and was now, even if not love, but love Molina. (This piece was beautifully reflected in the very end.) In and can not be certain that the boy was returning home from prison will meet the task assigned to them, because you can feel Molina, and will not be able to do so.

came out of prison, however, the boy realizes that his life is empty and meaningless without a Valentine. So far, it has a built élethazugságban lived, what beauty to the movies and dreaming. But now ledőltek the walls of the castle in the air, but instead was something real. Contractors not to draw this change, because I do not even know it better than himself as Molina megénekli záródalában this piece, only if the filmed in :

"I play around with live
As a citizen of and like a man,
But none took much joy!
S is not full, just past the life
the flame went out, and the lights,
And I saw no beauty, only in movies ...

[...] But when I found you, a life was born
What is already out of the mine, and no film, no mask, no imaginary play. "

Molina, therefore, decides that the only thing that makes what is even more sense, he met Valentin's request. "If you talk, you árulsz me." - says her piece at the end of the interrogation. Knowing that brave, true man, and his love of eszméjéért sacrifice himself, not afraid are already dying. Fulfilled everything we could ever have dreamed of, so feel free to enter in front of the Spider Woman. END SPOILER

Despite the musical work, a lot of the interactive part, which is obviously due to the fact that the original novel is based mainly on these. Most add a music deposit and then we hear, when he comes to life told in a film, and when the two main characters tell each other. In addition, often staged by itself is of the Spider Woman, a recurring musical motif, Molina kivetüléseként inner fears, egyre nyíltabb előreutalással. Szintén ismétlődő motívum köthető a többi rab kórusához  is. Az ő dalaikból megtudjuk, hogy a rácsok mögött emberek vannak, emberi érzésekkel, akárhogy is jutottak idáig. Az magyar előadás hanganyaga hivatalos CD-verzióban is megjelent. A zenei világ első hallgatásra kissé disszonáns, kevés az igazán slágeres dal benne. Azonban érdemes minél többször meghallgatni, mert igazán különleges, minden alkalommal új nüanszokat lehet felfedezni benne. Fodor Ákos magyar dalszövegei pedig gyönyörűek. A legszebb dalok Molina clearly nagydalai the Mommy, hello! , the girl reached and only if it was filmed and hármasduettje Valentinnal and Pókasszonnyal the ... Whatever! .

The actor playing overwhelming. The Chamber Theatre daraboknál effect can be achieved much more intimate than the nagyszínháziaknál. Interestingly, the Broadway musical, played the last version, I think this piece exactly the intimacy kisszínpad required. "The kisszínpad always a man closer to the game let me, which I like much better. The main stage can be much elszabadultabb. Extreme of whether the dimensions is quite different. The small theater is one of the main actor." - Bereczki said. The film stars Bereczki Zoltán Tamás Földes and so authentic that the performance is over creating the perfect illusion, completely átlényegülnek. Bereczki Zoltán Molinara indescribably lovable, fallible, and above all authentic. This piece is also known to be people who still use the negative undertones musicalszínész title. These roles for actors of all qualities they need in terms of both singing and acting, they will have it all, and live with them. A small preview of the lecture:

Unfortunately, the piece was played last time in 2006, and it is not much chance of that in the near future (especially in the cast), re-scheduling of fire. Discussed later, however, the links between found on the website from where to download the show recording. The quality, unfortunately, very bad, but even so I recommend that anyone who saw it did not play, look! This musical is a very serious and profound masterpiece of messages with you simply must see.

Sources, links:
Bereczki Zoltán Tamás Földes and the pieces (© quotes, photos)
theater recording download (with registration)


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