Sunday, October 3, 2010

Free Blueprintswing Set

Bereczki Zoltán: Fantasy

Ever since I follow Bereczki Zoltán work - which certainly has been more than five years - wanted to do a career on pop music. Even in 2001, also published a solo Hundred Year title, which means you érhetetlen failed. At that time, when I got to know him a lot Actor in a Musical listened to my favorite solo album, and in this light, I can tell you that stands out from among them, the real quality pop album, which - unlike most of the others - at any time, happy to listen. Among other things, found it pretty good songs like my personal favorites of the law and Éjkirálynő , and the two songs, which clip is made, the more Blaze and the Hundred Years .

on September 28 Zoli's dream come true, he released a new solo album, the Fantasy . Rámondhatom I think that a bereczkis , roughly the same line is pressing ahead with the previous disc left off, so much the difference is that a significant number of electronic funds. Bereczki Zoltán because one of my favorites of the few to whom, unfortunately, I can not really considered as without bias, I can not say that I begin to listen to him, if only so szembejönne the clip on TV. Although when I think of how much I love Adam Lambert et , who also enough sticking out of the rock musical interests rather claws, it is possible that it would be enough for a uniquely beautiful voice and aura to attract my attention. Zolitól it really any harder it would be strange line of music, because it simply is not so inclined. The disc numbers reflect it in its entirety, since most of them he wrote himself, and what not, also participated in (this would appreciate it.). I would write a song or two is a bit more ...

Get me!
The number is 2006 held in the Palace of Arts nagykoncertjére wrote, but little has been revised up to the plate. I prefer the original version ... Otherwise, this is one of my favorite-Bereczki.

Round whole
This is the only figure, which the Hungarian Zoltan only cooperated in the text, as this is the English JLS popcsapat c. Kick Start for processing. Otherwise very nice song. The disc is played in the English language, and this also made the first movie:

you like the clip, the song fits. I'm betting on fiúzenekaros táncikálással that whatever you intended, I somehow never know enough to be taken seriously.

else's tomorrow already
This is a duet with old friends, so quite surprised when the women's section, instead of Szinetár Dora Tóth Gabi t heard involved. While fully understand that many of the common wife, Musical Duet plate after Dori Zoli not enrolled in a duet on the album too, because it already may be a little too "one-ideaed" effect would have been generated. I really like this song, I like the new version, though still an acquired taste, not to hear Dorit.

Feel Alive
Zoli The number of English-born Johnny Tues Rel Palmer took up his title in Fantasy also contributed. It reminds me of that Zoli was written it a number, than you probably like him inspired. This is certainly a good feeling.

We need to wake up!
This is my favorite song on the album. Despite the fact that significantly more of the electronics in it, this figure brings back most of the first world music album. The text is really like.

beggar you stay in this issue, but there is no electronics. This, and the text makes me musicalessé slightly. Well, that song is such a place on the disk, as Zoli is inextricably linked to the theater.

Finally, congratulations and good luck Zoli is on the ROM! Assure you that almost as glad for him to reach this dream, as he is!

Record promotions concert: 12.30.2010 ., SYMA Hall
... I will definitely be there!


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