Saturday, October 2, 2010

Burning Pain By Collar Bone

LIFE on the 2007 Japanese Dorama Keiko Suenobu ran from 2002-2009, with the same title, 20 of the 11-volume manga epizódos tévéadaptációja. The Simple that there are quite a lot of difference between the two versions, mainly due to the fact that the 11 participating Dorama had belesűríteni. Despite this, there is a story all round, I never once felt vague, although it is true that I have not read the manga.

The story revolves around the theme of abuse in schools, the focus an average girl, Ayumu Shiik t (Kii Kitano) set. Best friend, Shiik-chan's (Akan Osawa) old desire to get into elite grammar school of his dreams, and to keep pace with each other, hard Ayumu begins to learn that he is to be entered in the same place. The result, however, will be to just take him up Shiik-chan is not, therefore, who feels his girlfriend stole his dream. Ayumuval interrupt the friendship, disappointment and hasty things. Ayumu completely collapses, conscience amid pangs of self-loathing and enroll. When I start to find friends, compulsively everyone wants to meet, mingle, and just this ambiguous situations that are managing the effect beginning to poke. Classmate soon átlendülnek the border of sanity, and normal mental and physical terror piszkálásból will ...

Edit baránőmmel As I talked about this doramáról, it became clear to me that they can really touch you, who have already experienced a similar ... On the first parts I was under the verge of tears many times, or just fists clenched, impotent rage waiting to see what will happen. The half átlendült bit too much of the story, from then on I could handle better, but until I saw that we present, for anytime, anywhere, can happen to anyone, and it is, while extremely worn. I do not think that is more terrible than when they start to hurt you, your friends whom you thought, or wanted them to be. When you can not reconcile it in your heart to someone who hurts, by whom you've seen before. And there are even those who do not know exactly why they can not hurt you, just go after the herd, as long as there are, will leave them alone until then. Alone is comforting that they will never be real friends, because such an "alliance" is anything but friendship. You make me sick simply from people who have hurt others. That I am not sure that as such there is no soul ... That they look in the mirror after that every day more and more psychologically destroy a embertársukat? That they recognized this themselves? Many valuable I know people who have harmed the school ... This is why it is? Why them? And why hurt the younger half of my favorite artists? Why is it that he is a bit different from the average, it receives the?

There is a 2007 Estonian film, the title of the class, and similarly debated. (SPOILER-veszély!) at the end of the story of two boys abused shoots iskolatársaikat terrorizing them. The film was screened in schools is sometimes a deterrent as an example, but after a posts I read on the internet that "But stupid, what is imagined themselves to come in shooting?" How can they be so weak? " , after all, I doubt that it is worth. Difficult to accept, but somehow there are people who are putting together so that they may not be there. Therefore, there are also cold-blooded killers in the world ... Make no mistake, this is not to say I wanted to say that those who molest the classmates, and become killers. Sure, they may have also abused as a well, both are likely to find numerous examples. Estonia appearance before the department had no school shootings, after it came out, there is a place, and one from a neighboring country. This is as creepy, just as food for thought, since you have made a huge exclamation point next to the topic, and demonstrated that it is not an exaggeration, of what we see in films made in this topic. Unforgivable and creepy, what do the students with each other ...

The worst part is that this is something against which I do not know what can be done, since, as already I have written, they can really touch you in such works, who have already experienced such a thing (obviously the ones who do not understand, but have enough intelligence.), which are basically evil and ignorant people are likely to no effect. SPOILER A LIFE differs from the other, usually ending lövöldözéssel, abuse, educational films that show a way out. Ayumu find true friends who support and stand beside him. Even the wicked can appease deserved punishment, if our hero and his friends do not feel that is worth more when there is no more violence, abuse, as if avenging the abuse of the abuser. Thus, significant reconstitution. Despite the fact that they do not really like the happyendet, so it was good. Therefore it does not elicit any effects will be, as the department , but perhaps give hope to those who are in similar situations, and this is important. END SPOILER

Most actors I was very pleased, especially For the abusers were karaktermegformálások thrillingly good, and specifically I was glad that the main character Ayumu was so likable, so I could sympathize with him, while there was no pole. Despite the fact that sometimes the story is a bit detached decks of reality, I think it is worth the viewing.

Download links:
Dorama ("LIFE ..."- starting with ep)
Hungarian subtitles (closed project)


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