Saturday, October 16, 2010

Before Period And Feeling Wet

Anti Fitness Club: Angel

The Anti Fitness Club is one of my favorite Hungarian together. I like them because despite the fact that the Viva embraced them at the time, not put together a band, in addition to the rapporteur of the channel almost all the other singers, Tomi writes the lyrics, which is telling something. The band was formed in 2002, then even a real odamondós played punk music, which reported the change after a strong 2007-2008's soft-sounding, best love songs themes processor, this is obviously due to its Viva . I am delighted, however, not to let themselves be oppressed, constantly breaking out "favorite" zenetévém skatulyájából, and now quite left behind the huge emós styles, as well as the 2009 breathes 's more serious music albums I read a very good press reviews. Which is more mature, harder sound, I think it's better than the first album. I somehow remain in the debut album of my favorite songs, their album is the demo version before, so many memories because of their wicker ...

AFC in the last few previews peg rakosgattak keep up their site for the new klipjükből the from Angel. The first walked a day after watching their website to kiéhezetten rávethessem myself more and more previews, simply because it is a pity a couple of detail was good. Unfortunately, this appearance of the clip removed from the Internet, and I wanted to put what we talked about Ákos (all of them expressed opinions on someone else's music man). He said the guys are probably mad because Hungary is only doing the clip is so expensive that the poor quality music channels are cast a few times, he is completely obsessed. After sitting in their territory they waited to come on October 15 and see the timburtonosnek awaited video. Worth enlarge to full screen, because of the beautiful qualities:

Very good, very good, but to be perfectly honest, I was 120% after felcsigázás mégmégmég would have expected more. The animation, photography is beautiful, the butterfly pattern is perfect. However, this " trees are" -thing, not always liked me. Balázs the drums was doing very well, and Tom , when it was not just a guitar in his hands. However, when playing guitar, is something so unnatural it was (even the clip compared to the world as well). Somehow inconsistent with the crushing of soft music in the trees, bending and playing the guitar on the loose. Nevertheless, the basic concept of five stars and, in addition to the visual solution is only good I can say, really world standards. The fire scene at the end of something good irtóztatóan, specifically point out when the flames are reflected Tom's eyes. The song is very well liked so far, one of the best tracks from the breathes.

I hope this clip again, a step closer to leaving behind the Viva , because its just really glad. Well, you be if fellépőkké become a regular summer music festivals!


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