Sunday, July 6, 2008

Homebrew Why Does Gravity

Installing Django on Windows

a lot recently I use Windows, and found that, in addition we have some Cygwin environment for coding in Django . Some time ago I installed the version of "instant", which I would recommend this. But, as they say on the railway, in order:
to do something in Django are needed: first
Django itself,
second Python, of course,
third database, without it, of course, it can be dealt with, but it makes no sense, especially as we get it (the base) "gratis",
4th tool for handling database
5th sample application.
course, you should have a good editor, and that as we all know, everyone chooses the same (to me were, on the occasion of installed Eclipse + pydev , what if need it)
assumption of the entire installation to be too fast for such an environment, and as a goes a minimum configuration.

Django itself (point 1) charge from this link (for the moment directly from the archive file (~ 22MB) ), what's interesting is bundled with the Python, or section 2 we already have a head, and the variety we get the base (point . 3) in the form of sqlite. Applications grab sample from the same page or directly . It only remains to point 4, which is managing the database. Here you can easily use our Firefox add-on:
sqlite-manager (after downloading the file. Xpi you can drag it to the list of additives)
InstantDjango Installation is simple; run the self extracting archive that will indicate the destination directory and fruuu, unpacking takes a little long, so you have to show patience, but eventually all is an ~ 70MB.
Then we add at the end of the file start.bat :

echo Instant Django is now ready echo
In app directory: python runserver

and then it ( start.bat ) start and we have "quasikonsole" Django to run commands. Then just go to the application directory and we can, for example, run:

F: \\ django> cd crimemap
F: \\ django \\ crimemap> python runserver
Validating models ...
0 errors found Django version 0.97
-pre-SVN-6991, using settings 'crimemap.settings'
Development server is running at

and for example, we address
our sample application. Of course, it can be generated and write yourself, what would encourage ( often ). If only because the sample application does not belong to the masterpieces of art and programming requires changes to work with the default settings InstantDjango.

I still had to write an update on the installation of Django, but it turns out that, in the Utilities folder is no longer appropriate batch: update.bat .

If you interested in this entry, it can read other entries on Django or on Windows, we strongly encourage you to glance at my collection of links , which recently periodically to divide.
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