Friday, May 9, 2008

Blush Belfast Lisburn Rd

stack empty

Some time ago I read about the new initiative Joel Spolsky'ego: . Looks interesting? Maybe. Unless you agree with the thesis according to which the developers do not read books (even those with programming), it programming by trial-and-error is a crude abuse (semantic, of course).
- what is the point of reading the 200-page book, only to learn one or two new things,
- as someone working in a professional environment, his problems are not described in the books, even the better ones,
- before things become so fashionable that some książkopisarz will want to write about it, the pros will have long recognized every detail.
- książkopisarze rarely are good programmers and vice versa, therefore, much more important is the teamwork, the guru / father leads, who will lead (and did not call this pompously pair programming)

Next thing you said JS is typing problem in Google and hitting is not the solution, and even if this solution is not supported by expert knowledge or paid. I am from the perspective of my (modest, but still) consider the experience, or something in Google / forum at the program / library, or you need to go to the producer (but if you want to some form of bracket). Always is Usenet, on which a lot of things you like to know, and as it is not enough even Code Project.

Based on these (in my opinion misguided) assumptions, Joel decided to create a page that will solve the problems presented by him: it will be available for free, with no intrusive ads, the need (but with the possibility of) the registration and will include a knowledge experts. Remains to be seen at the event site is actually empty, but contains a link to a blog on which they are already 4 podcasts.


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