Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Is A Neutral Wire And What Does It Do?

Links Links Links

After a busy weekend, another episode cycle Linking : - Economy in Kaczogrodzie, or knows why Scrooge McDuck arises as inflation, is dedicated to all who wish to dodrukowywać money (call it investing for example), - A handful of general advice for job seekers, the first two links that somehow Crisis case did, - Learning Python by example, useful for teaching, but also as a collection of code snippets, - how to CRUD (create , read, update and delete ie in principle the basis for each application) in Django, or 2 additional links for a variety Pythonowo,

talk # = 16285749; slide = 4, title = Project% 20anti-patterns.% 20How% 20to% 20your% 20make% 20project% 20fail - How to get your project to that, he should not succeed. Both the content and form worthy of notice. Today

pluses: - another blog from my RSS , Amiga fans, Anime , Ska, and probably many other things, writes uncommon, but often interesting, - and here for a change, something the world . NET , mainly due to the control grid.


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