Saturday, January 8, 2011

Natursit Family Movies


The Kiss playfem a 2010 South Korean Dorama , titled 장난스런 키스 (Jangnanseureon Kiss) , even in translation Mischievous Kiss, Kiss, Naughty or also known. and 16 parts, as well as short pieces 7 YouTube Special episode was also added. Romantic comedy genre classification, .

The story's protagonist If Ni oh, a high school student who is ranking at the bottom. This in itself does not bother him herself, but if you happen to be the Ni iskolaelső Baek Seung Jo into love, since he already knows. When I finally gathered enough courage to do this in a letter also says the boy, the party before the humble school, and explains how much he hates the stupid girls. But take a chance so that if an unexpected disaster after the father of Ni and remain homeless, and forced to move into the father's old friend, whose son happens to be Jo Seung Baek. The boy was fatally If you are irritated by the presence of Ni and giddy behavior, as well as the fact that she begins to chase him properly ... While the story and then there's no hiding végkifejlettje many secrets of the road, until you go to really twists, exciting and fun.

I must say, this is one of the best of Dorama genre. Detail developed characters, great actors, fast-paced story, today's real sites and scenery, this is no longer a need. However, the first part very badly, I think might as well tántoríthatja viewers. The scene is enough to pull down the front of the túlszínezett qualitative assumptions, and then the actors in the entire section, almost every one ripacskodnak. Fortunately, however, is the second part of the strip are errors in the series, and then also getting hand parts will be just right. After the players in the secondary school they go to university, it is quite komolyodik the storytelling. Bong Joon Gu example below zenélgető idiot friends, I even Joon Gu is a much more realistic becomes a character.

SPOILER As was sometimes a little disturbing that so often callously Seung Jo reacted or behaved in a manner that it felt like much longer. In addition to such occasions, if Ni was not against him on his heels, even after you feel well even when we could have. It is true that this story itself is based on the lineup, but sometimes you may have fallen somewhat overdo it the first couple of YouTube Special case of the part especially. SPOILER


Oh If Ni (So Jung Min)
very strong personality and a truly unique individual. Not at all stupid, as he tries to set the story, moreover, are so apt to invent themselves in any situation. So his formative Jung Min brilliantly plays the character just vibrates. All in all, if Ni, in contrast to the many templates, almost an ideal heroine, such things should always be plotted.

Baek Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong)
the genius whom no one can touch it, and he also knows this very well. Offend others (especially if Ni-t), the superior attitude, but sometimes relegated to the role perfectly formed and then it turns out that he is only human. Kim Hyun Joong Jo Seung very well the appearance of complex and difficult personality. This is only the second actor's work, but it is clear that a straight track to be included among the pros.

Yoon Ra He (Lee Si Young)
SPOILER If the university becomes vetélytársává Ni. He, however, it somehow Ra's character is put together, that, even if he understood the deeds, we can not feel so close to us just as well, but if over Ni Venture. SPOILER

Bong Joon Gu (Lee Tae Sung)
the beginning of the story's character deliberately overexposed, we can not sympathize with him, we can not understand If it does how much Ni. After the story, however, rejects the middle of the recorded cliches, will be truly human and likeable. Lee Tae Sung game is definitely worth mentioning.

Wang Kyung Soo (Choi Sung Gook)
Last but not least is the character of one of the best Dorama! Both comic and profound. His formative Choi Sung Gook brilliantly plays a real role in the jutalomjáték him. Kyung Soo for his little szizoid, true dual-personality refreshing dash of color in the story.

The other players are also quite the wrong. The family members, none of infantile and unrealistic, which is a common fault Dorama comedy used to be. The Beak Seung Jo's mother will shape Jung Hye Young incredibly sensitive to capture the character of this charming, busybody personality. The idolatrous and imitating her brother, little brother little cocky, Beak Jo Eun-Won Choi Hong is playing amazingly well authentic. Moreover, if friends of Ni, Jung Joo Ri (Hong Hwa Yoon) and Dok Go Min Ah (Yoon Seung Ah) is mostly remain within the bounds of realistic humor. In addition, a very well done high school and university diákságának representation is different.

the series of Japanese manga Kaoru Tada the Itazura na Kiss drawn. The work is multi-Dorama adaptation is already understood, the original Japanese version of the same title, 1996 seen in the world, while also preparing Taiwanese version It Started With a Kiss at (Second Season: They Kiss Again ). 2008 in a 25 episode anime cent was made of it. The story, unexpected death of Kaoru Tada, unfortunately, is still unfinished, despite the fact that her husband gave permission to the manga in the manga series to continue his wife's plans.

playfem The Kiss after the maker YouTube the left-coalition, has released its surface 7 short, 10-12 minute special section also. Each episode is a little more life of the protagonists. One part is slightly exaggerated complain Baek Seung Jo jerk's behavior, but overall a very charming and fun little niche in the Dorama completed.

playfem The Kiss all my heart I would recommend to everyone! First up is a perfect doramának. If there are any more who is not convinced, here's a teaser video, the background music, which is no more than one Dorama theme song, One More Time to of Baek Seung-Jo Kim will shape from Hyun Joong, who not incidentally is named SS501 k pop- fiúzenekar leader.

Download links:
Dorama ("[DA]" Version)
YouTube Special (torrent, 3-7. Part working properly) YouTube
Special (MU)
Hungarian subtitles (Dorama, YouTube Special)


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