Sunday, January 16, 2011

?amber Lynn- My Friends Hot Mom

Black Swan, or the perfect sadness

Darren Aronofsky rendezőúr penchant for Perfect Blue's pszichothriller animéért 1997. So much so that in 2000, gladly paid $ 59 000-t, so that the Requiem for a Dream újraforgassa the work is one of the film scene. In addition, it is rumored that bought the rights to a western, cinema actor living in Study. Completion of this However, now more than doubtful, since the director has presented the new film, the black swan t (Black Swan) . Aronofsky admitted that a number of similarities between the two works can be discovered, but claims it is merely a coincidence. Either way, a worthy reinterpretation of the Black Swan animeklasszikusnak, against which even emelhetnénk objection, if you happen to be openly spoken of the inspiration for the deliberate-immersion, or even ...

some of the scene. (Image source: AWAY.)

The Black Swan the balettáncosnő Nina tells the story. She was the troupe just premiere of Swan Lake is made that all balettos dream, and its main role, it voted a lot of confidence in him, he gets the point. Nina is the perfect choice for the White Swan role, just as pure and fragile. However, it should play the evil twin, the black swan t is what, at first sight appears to be inappropriate. The director however, sees in it the opportunity, so he decides to bring out the game at all costs to the demon girl convulsively rigid. The Perfect Blue popsztárocska a charming protagonist, Mima, who wants to break out at any price for this skatulyából not want to wait until you "goes out of fashion," and it loses all of a sudden. That's why you decide to become a serious actress. To this end, the combination of exit and determined to start her acting career on hold on the up the ranks.

SPOILER! Further detailed analysis of the two works follows the plot!

Mima to show a real actress, you agree to the bold mean what the writer of the fictional character for her krimisorozatbeli. The operator of a strip club to enter, rapes in which a group of men, and has radically transformed his life from then on. This role is entirely contrary to our image of Mima, but more importantly, you lelkialkatával the girl too. Point, as Nina is also a conflict for almost insurmountable task. Yet both of the determination, is done to it. Until then raises its own borders, until they both find themselves énjüket the one that you need. Mima increasingly trying to break free from the brutal killer who kills in order to take revenge, we kill because they dread. Nina slowly and átlényegül Black Hattyúvá, to experience physical symptoms even in private. Completely changed, his mother, who had been standing next to him with all his might to repel that there will without a twinge of conscience under the züllésben. The two girls are increasingly subordinated to her role. Confused, no longer able to distinguish what is actually happening, and what is the one that exists only in the imagination. After a while I feel a realistic world in which the stage and the cameras will display the crossfire.

Both girls also find companions to madness. There anyone who is even better than Mima indispose the imázsváltás ... Her producer, Rumi, who is also popidol ever been so intensely perceives Mima calvary, that slowly but surely transformed into your own empathy érzéseivé. In addition, there is still a fan of , a rather ugly man, who follows his Mimáját, who are increasingly getting scared of the scary stranger. Meanwhile, the Internet continued to gyrate in Mima's room address student blog, you can not write Mima, but have read many times, you feel the person he is much more like himself. Visions are beginning to torture me, haunted by his past, he feels there is no escape. Nina fully director headed. Whole being handed to the man in order to bring out the best of it, despite the fact that slowly begins to suspect that he is only as important, will not come until a few years and then someone who is prettier and younger than him. Then he falls into the void as well as the director of small Duchess, Beth, who was a ballet star in front of Nina. In the meanwhile, befriends her rival, Lily with whom to release the inherent black swan. However, this is a daunting, even for himself, not to be able to face the fact that all he did so in a projected part of Lily, the figure is almost melted into one belt.

around inside at this point starts the story of two girls in different directions. The Perfect Blue finally take the lead in the krimiszál, Mima madness instead of Rumi will be the focus. Nina but not freed from the prison of their minds. Finally, while Mima finds herself, until she finally loses everything, which meant the old self. This explains the fact that the show is the only error in the White Swan during the formulation of throws, and so this role before he was to exert more eyes have it. The Black Swan is another matter, however. Nina will kill and murder, without a real conscience, evil twin, and into eerily authentic. Then follows the death of Swan, White Swan is hereby dies. Killed him, the evil black twin. When the blood lying Nina odarohan the troupe, she just says "I had a feeling. It was perfect. It was perfect."

These three short sentences there is vibrated in a long time viewer, while the cold of a running back. Shocking ending, but if you think about it seriously, Nina's words and made it understandable and perfectly sober. Her life is nothing like the Ballet and the perfection of a concern. This ended his life so that a perfectly shaped the Hattyúkirálynő t, as no one has ever before. While Nina is killed, but the legend was born. The legend, who, in vain he was now a new little princess rendezőúr, yet a few years from now will be sent to the theater, just as his predecessor. Nina, if you look at this aspect, said he accomplished of doom.


There are differences Nina Mima and personality as well. Former is a block of ice, set up by himself and others who rules for life, while the latter is a bit more naive, but colorful, összegészében szerethetőbb girl. As for the artistic value is concerned, there is clearly victorious Nina. The ballet the "Queen of Dance" , more exalted than popzenekara Mima, a small audience fellépegető Cham. These changes, and discussed a few paragraphs ago, thanks to the Black Swan, moreover, not only a live-action Perfect Blue-processing one, but an independent work of art.

Darren Aronofsky his films may not be exceeded, do not let themselves. The views are not allowed out after hours bűvkörükből the viewer to penetrate the soul and felzaklatják. This trend continued in the case of the Black Swan. In the movies, deserved Golden Globe Award-nominated Aronofsky, however, there still is a brilliant composer, Clint Mansell and also the cinematographer, Matthew Libatique . Mindkettejükkel in close cooperation with the director, I have the Pi, Requiem for a Dream and The source also worked together. The music and the visual world completely restore and enhance the presentation of the processes taking place in Nina's soul. The film breathes with all the other elements, forming an inseparable unit. I would say, perfect to find each other, but it's after the movie, we are reluctant to use this word.

However, the actors are not negligible, even! The Lily will shape Mila Kunis has been received for Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe nomination due ta eerily brilliant portrayal. More important catalyst appears actor Vincent Cassel , who is the director was converted, and spent, balettáncos dropped, Beth Winona Ryder individual is displayed. And there is the main character, Natalie Portman , who has a lot more than you Nina as genuinely unspeakable play both him and the white and black swans. In addition, the film is full of balettbetékben, which he himself dances megszégyenítően professional dancers. Frighteningly complex karaktermegformálásáért also went out to him a Golden Globe nomination what we hope is able to switch fee.
A Perfect Blue
effects, however, continue to think so useless to deny. The basic themes of the story and even outside the similarities between the two main character's name (Mima and Nina) is eerily similar. And, although the two works also has a multi-poster, looking at a one-out főplakátok, another parallel can be detected. In the case of Perfect Blue Mima kirakóként pieces falling into a complete meltdown in the same way, symbolizes the sliver, such as the Black Swan poster runs through the cracks Nina's face, and at the same time in his life. It would be better not to deny the inspiration, but rather refer to it tiszteletadásként.

All in all, the Black Swan one of the best film in recent years. Real art films, so little strange (though well deserved in any case), the many Golden Globe mark, which also got out of the film itself. Is worth a viewing!

official Hungarian Premiere: 2011th February 17

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bamboo And Betta Fish

Gravitation Kiss

The Gravitation (グラビテーション) Maki Murakami running between 1996-2002, and officially 12 Volume (later chapters have been published on the Internet) manga series. 1999 in two OVA (Original Video Animation) made it, then 2000-2001 13 episodes in a year anime version was also released, Bob Shirohata settlement. Each version of the alapmű boys' love (two men's love of telling) stories of lovers. Hungary also has been demonstrated in the anime, the manga is now the fourth edition of kötetnél takes the Mangattack record label. This critique of the two OVA, the anime and manga in the first three volumes written in the light.

The story is one of the main character Shuichi Shinde, who is stumbling over the school, the only mission in life is to be successful and famous techno musician be. The boyfriend, a guitarist with Hiro is also a band, the Bad Luck , in which he sings and plays keyboards. One night when Shuichi just coming home from the moment the wind carried away the plate from his hands and feet before landing on an alien. A man reads the dalszövegkezdeményt and it is located, without knowing, tough criticism Shuichit. The boy can not acquiesce in this, and always involves a mysterious person in the head. A chance encounter with him again, not many people can find out hogy a férfi egy híres szerelmesregény-író, Yuki Eiri . A sorsuk ezután már menthetetlenül egymásba gabalyodik, egy láthatatlan erő úgy vonzza őket egymás felé, mint a gravitáció .

A mangá t először egy könyvesboltban kezdtem el olvasni, s mivel érdekelt a történet folytatása, letöltöttem és megnéztem az animét. Tetszett az is, ám már akkor is megfogalmazódott bennem az, amiben így, a manga első három kötetének elolvasása után már biztos vagyok. Hiába kultuszanime of Gravitation, the adaptation is, in truth, much less than the original műtől. The manga is much more colorful characters, deeper personalities. The main difference is the case Shuichi who is in the anime but rather points to a hyperactive little boy who was unhappy about the obsession of Yuki plüssnyuszi instead. Luckily, the manga is much less an idiot, and this is due to the emotions can be taken much more seriously. Make decisions, think about human relations, and, if necessary, can be more disciplined. Also, and this is certainly an important point, if the work is a reality in terms of look, attend school. Shuichi backstory somehow gets lost in the anime.

Eirik Yuki's character in both versions are very exciting. Megfejhetetlen real figure, whose past as a general like him, dark secret. The personality and outlook on life-style Shuichiénak exact opposite, it can often be very difficult to tolerate him. But perhaps this is one reason that this is somehow still attracts fans of Strawberry Pocky (Pocky: Japanese sweets "Breadsticks dipped in custard) , rózsaszínhajú dreamer. Implicated in this record is the unselfish and unconditional love, without asking what he, in fact, despite the rejection over him. It is very important in

yet another member of the Bad Luck, Hiroshi Nakano well. He, his best friend, unlike Shuichivel pretty good student, and much more restrained. It can also következtethetnénk, rather it is the band's cohesive strength, but this is the opposite, actually Suichi momentum carries them forward. Although there Hiro shaken, he is a really good friend, who is in need of rambunctious főhősünknek. The other appears in the band members, Yuki's family, the management of a merging karakterrendszert form, in which everyone has their own dramatic role, it is worth paying attention to everyone.

an important role in the story, add a music has also shown enthusiasm for the topic, and the rivalry between the bands as well. Repeatedly shown to act in the anime Bad Luck itself , Shuichi heroes and hear the story of the legendary band, the Nittle Grasper also. These, as well as the opening and ending music are all the techno , ie genre of electronic dance music can be classified. Anime very enjoyable and the perfect fit for him.

Graphics of the manga was still room for improvement after the first three volumes, this often refers to himself in the manga is a personal, humorous remarks in the individual chapters. Many of the rough drawing, but all free, of course, are beautifully drawn pictures. Overall a pleasant read, although the Hungarian transcription (eg, Shuichi = Súicsi) certainly pierce the eyes of many, but after a while get used to. The anime graphics can not be argued either and I do not want. The characters are nice, though, especially Shuichi, a little bit different from the manga-Beli alteregójuktól. The OVA-con is only a total of as many seem to have forgotten a bit of time passed.
yaoi (homosexual relationship showing the work) for the classification of the anime did not have to worry about who may be averse to such stories, because, apart from the one representing the first OVA, not much more than a couple kissing with rather the emotions are emphasized. The manga is also open to the previous field, and as I read the later volumes, it is still growing. In any event, this is the golden rule applies, who does not like it, do not need to read. However, I can recommend it to everyone else!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Natursit Family Movies


The Kiss playfem a 2010 South Korean Dorama , titled 장난스런 키스 (Jangnanseureon Kiss) , even in translation Mischievous Kiss, Kiss, Naughty or also known. and 16 parts, as well as short pieces 7 YouTube Special episode was also added. Romantic comedy genre classification, .

The story's protagonist If Ni oh, a high school student who is ranking at the bottom. This in itself does not bother him herself, but if you happen to be the Ni iskolaelső Baek Seung Jo into love, since he already knows. When I finally gathered enough courage to do this in a letter also says the boy, the party before the humble school, and explains how much he hates the stupid girls. But take a chance so that if an unexpected disaster after the father of Ni and remain homeless, and forced to move into the father's old friend, whose son happens to be Jo Seung Baek. The boy was fatally If you are irritated by the presence of Ni and giddy behavior, as well as the fact that she begins to chase him properly ... While the story and then there's no hiding végkifejlettje many secrets of the road, until you go to really twists, exciting and fun.

I must say, this is one of the best of Dorama genre. Detail developed characters, great actors, fast-paced story, today's real sites and scenery, this is no longer a need. However, the first part very badly, I think might as well tántoríthatja viewers. The scene is enough to pull down the front of the túlszínezett qualitative assumptions, and then the actors in the entire section, almost every one ripacskodnak. Fortunately, however, is the second part of the strip are errors in the series, and then also getting hand parts will be just right. After the players in the secondary school they go to university, it is quite komolyodik the storytelling. Bong Joon Gu example below zenélgető idiot friends, I even Joon Gu is a much more realistic becomes a character.

SPOILER As was sometimes a little disturbing that so often callously Seung Jo reacted or behaved in a manner that it felt like much longer. In addition to such occasions, if Ni was not against him on his heels, even after you feel well even when we could have. It is true that this story itself is based on the lineup, but sometimes you may have fallen somewhat overdo it the first couple of YouTube Special case of the part especially. SPOILER


Oh If Ni (So Jung Min)
very strong personality and a truly unique individual. Not at all stupid, as he tries to set the story, moreover, are so apt to invent themselves in any situation. So his formative Jung Min brilliantly plays the character just vibrates. All in all, if Ni, in contrast to the many templates, almost an ideal heroine, such things should always be plotted.

Baek Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong)
the genius whom no one can touch it, and he also knows this very well. Offend others (especially if Ni-t), the superior attitude, but sometimes relegated to the role perfectly formed and then it turns out that he is only human. Kim Hyun Joong Jo Seung very well the appearance of complex and difficult personality. This is only the second actor's work, but it is clear that a straight track to be included among the pros.

Yoon Ra He (Lee Si Young)
SPOILER If the university becomes vetélytársává Ni. He, however, it somehow Ra's character is put together, that, even if he understood the deeds, we can not feel so close to us just as well, but if over Ni Venture. SPOILER

Bong Joon Gu (Lee Tae Sung)
the beginning of the story's character deliberately overexposed, we can not sympathize with him, we can not understand If it does how much Ni. After the story, however, rejects the middle of the recorded cliches, will be truly human and likeable. Lee Tae Sung game is definitely worth mentioning.

Wang Kyung Soo (Choi Sung Gook)
Last but not least is the character of one of the best Dorama! Both comic and profound. His formative Choi Sung Gook brilliantly plays a real role in the jutalomjáték him. Kyung Soo for his little szizoid, true dual-personality refreshing dash of color in the story.

The other players are also quite the wrong. The family members, none of infantile and unrealistic, which is a common fault Dorama comedy used to be. The Beak Seung Jo's mother will shape Jung Hye Young incredibly sensitive to capture the character of this charming, busybody personality. The idolatrous and imitating her brother, little brother little cocky, Beak Jo Eun-Won Choi Hong is playing amazingly well authentic. Moreover, if friends of Ni, Jung Joo Ri (Hong Hwa Yoon) and Dok Go Min Ah (Yoon Seung Ah) is mostly remain within the bounds of realistic humor. In addition, a very well done high school and university diákságának representation is different.

the series of Japanese manga Kaoru Tada the Itazura na Kiss drawn. The work is multi-Dorama adaptation is already understood, the original Japanese version of the same title, 1996 seen in the world, while also preparing Taiwanese version It Started With a Kiss at (Second Season: They Kiss Again ). 2008 in a 25 episode anime cent was made of it. The story, unexpected death of Kaoru Tada, unfortunately, is still unfinished, despite the fact that her husband gave permission to the manga in the manga series to continue his wife's plans.

playfem The Kiss after the maker YouTube the left-coalition, has released its surface 7 short, 10-12 minute special section also. Each episode is a little more life of the protagonists. One part is slightly exaggerated complain Baek Seung Jo jerk's behavior, but overall a very charming and fun little niche in the Dorama completed.

playfem The Kiss all my heart I would recommend to everyone! First up is a perfect doramának. If there are any more who is not convinced, here's a teaser video, the background music, which is no more than one Dorama theme song, One More Time to of Baek Seung-Jo Kim will shape from Hyun Joong, who not incidentally is named SS501 k pop- fiúzenekar leader.

Download links:
Dorama ("[DA]" Version)
YouTube Special (torrent, 3-7. Part working properly) YouTube
Special (MU)
Hungarian subtitles (Dorama, YouTube Special)