Location: Gravelands, Karloffornia - Germany
What they play: horrorpunk, Graverock
Current members: Dean
Roca - Vocals
feratu Ross - guitar and vocals
Karl Off - Guitar
Lester Vail - Bass Vic
Chains - drums
Sim Reaper - keyboards and vocals
word introduction :
following text is from Bonito Cadaver, but I do not think it was the author of this Zombs slurry . Not taking anything the band, which really is number one among the entire German horrorpunk (I'll add that the Germans are in the genre soon after the U.S.), this text sounds like one of the authors, cultivating his own ego, he wrote it, rozwodząc in every sentence of the perfection of his creation. Despite all efforts, I can not say that somehow it looked. The Spook is the band so much, however, unusual that, despite their massive popularity overseas, very hard to find any information about them. Even at the official site is not easy to discern anything other than an indication as to order T-shirts ... Still, I invite you to read a brief history band to which the world has not risen:
is not an exaggeration to say that The Spook may be called the pioneers of the German graverockowej I horrorpunkowej scene. Became known through routes and performances throughout Europe alongside Alkaline Trio, Smoke Blow, Mad Sin, The Bones, Misfits, Blitzkid, The Dickies, L7, Napalm Death, Deadline, Holy Moses and many other great bands. Class team is proof of the fact that checked on the great festivals like With Full Force (2002 and 2003) and where the true horror Deluxe performed on big stages. Both of their albums "Fright Night" (2001) and "Some Like It Dead" (2002) issued by People Like You Records / SPV were immediately sold out and became an inspiration for many artists, few people know that Cradle of Filth, The Alkaline Trio and Rob Zombie himself went in the direction of graverocka by The Spook. Starring
on two compilations: "V / A - This Is horrorpunk Vol.1" (Fiendforce Rec./2003) and "V / A - Where The Bad Boys Rock Vol.2" (People Like You Rec./2003) The Spook has once again confirmed their position as kings of the Emergency graverocka and showed where the directions of the future: melodic, atmospheric graverock with elements of punk and metal. Strength brought by two new members of the Dean of Rock (vocals) and Vic'a Chains (drums) made the The Spook stronger, more energetic and immediate than ever before. The evolution of the band can be seen on the split of 2004-the year, "Everyday Is Halloween" (Fiendforce Rec) with the American kings horrorpunk - Blitzkid, and the single "Boneman (Squoodge Records/2006). Both short plates were a foretaste of the long-awaited, full-length CD, "Let There Be Dark," published in 2007 by the Wupperal 4CN (Germany), mixed by Andy Sneap'aw English Backstage studio. Dzięki pomocnej dłoni Mille’a (Kreator) dobrze znanego Dave’a Pybus’a (Cradle of Filth), Goolsy’ego i TB’a (Blitzkid) czy Yvy Pop’a (The Popzillas) The Spook stworzyło niesamowity graverockowy fajerwerk.
W czasach gdy przyjaciele muzyki i filmu poszukują horroru i tajemnicy w filmach takich jak jak Gothika, House of 100 corpses, Dawn of the dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre czy Van helsing, The Spook wysyła Ci najbardziej słodko-gorzkie pozdrowienia z z Gravelandu w Karlofforni ich przybranej ojczyzny. Na żywo The Spook zawsze gwarantuje nietypowe show, czystą siłę, niebanalne melodie i rockowe riffy. Ich piosenki są naprawdę chwytliwe i anyone who sees them, never forget. They are a revelation for all fans of horror and creatures of night, according to the maxim "plundering of graves is not a crime."
Fright Night EP -2001
first The Giant Spider Strikes
second Mantula
third Fright Night
4th The Undead Call
5th Deep Lagoon
Download :
Some Like It Dead - 2002
first Ready To Radiate
second Midnight Run
third You, Me And The Laboratory
4th Almost Alive
5th A Ghastly Romance 6th
Some Like It Dead
7th Voodoo Mummy
8th My Beauty Died 9th
Night Without An End
10th The Untold Story Of Gravelands, Karloffornia
Download :
Boneman - 2006
01 Boneman (The Go-Go Operator)
01 Of Gods And Monsters
(Published in the edition of 333 pieces)
Download :
Let There Be Dark – 2007
01.-Angels of a fallen kind (Intro)
02.-Dark world debutante
03.-Summernite stalker
04.-Waitung for the kill
05.-Side in
07.-Dying fires grace
08.-What lies in shadows (Intermission)
09.-The warning
11.-Cold heart
12.-Woe of your heart
14.-Jane Doe
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