what a "sandwich" came into the company of twins! :))))
Origin: Sirtosfan |
This may not be true! ... cried when I saw the cloak before the twins! But I felt that now they have come! Vivian is also said to have been to be here now. Such intuition are now, and fortunately they get. :)))) I can not help but love them ..... Fell on one another's throats, we were happy, so than in a certain Christmas when it came to me and one for my birthday is celebrated
. In a moment they jumped into the picture when gitárjaikat and brought with them the whole night singing and jam waiting for us. Because I have also helped in the singing, and V. Zsófika Also, it took us so far! :)))))
Let's go straight to dance, "he said Tüncsi because of who I am now very hungry for Sirtos! break and then we'll talk. The mood of the dance floor was like a long time ago. Greatly missed only two of our friends who were far from proven. Sun Zsófika one who resides in Greece, the other Sun Krisztike, who expects a baby. From here you can send them many kisses! :))) A well-known tunes were new to me, still unknown to you, we are delighted. Pepe, we talked a lot during the break, but then I think about Vivi write your own version of how we felt on the Sunday ...... !
Sirtos diary, 2009. March 1
a week had to leave, have been so much homework in high school, but now I have to had to go, it was Pepe's birthday, and if you've already bought him some chocolate, then there also had to give. We are very happy:)). I was glad to that he was glad. Pepe, a pleasure to please:)). The dance is always a great opportunity to acquire new friends, this is also shown. I met a Greek guy, whom he finally learned the Pentozalist. An animal I'm proud of myself, to the unspeakable. For years now I wanted to learn, but somehow never managed. But now, yes. I'm a good transom szállva :))). danced a lot, sorted with severe muscle pain; de ennek legalább az az előnye, hogy nem hízom ki a nadrágjaimat:)). Andreasék úgy meg tudják hajtani az embert, hogy bokáig lógjon a nyelve.A Sirtos idén is rendez dalversenyt, és Zsuzsi próbált agitálni engem is; de mivel szikráját sem mutatom semmilyen zenei képességnek, hát inkább nemet mondtam :). Azért nagyon jó volt ez a táncház is. Kicsit olyan most nekem ez az egész, mintha hazataláltam volna.
Származási hely: Sirtosfan |
Origin: Sirtosfan |
Origin: Sirtosfan |
Origin: Sirtosfan |
Origin Location: Sirtosfan |